We support the candidates for business.
2024 General Election Voter Guide
View the 2024 General Election Voter Guide. Please join our email list or follow us on social media for updates on all Metro-PAC endorsements so you can support the candidates for business. Remember, every vote counts!
Be part of the effort
Join us and support the candidates and campaigns that elevate the growth of a strong business community. More than ever, we need leaders in government that understand the unique challenges facing our businesses and will help grow a more resilient and inclusive economy.
About the Metro-PAC
Created in 1985, the Sacramento Metropolitan Chamber Political Action Committee (Metro-PAC) is an independent political action committee registered with the California Secretary of State.
It is authorized to endorse and financially support candidates for local and state office who support and advocate for the policy principles of the Metro Chamber and understand the important role of business towards inclusive economic prosperity for our Capital Region.
By supporting the election of these candidates, the Metro-PAC amplifies the voice and policies of the Metro Chamber. Business is not just critical to our economy and workforce; it is also a catalyst for culture and a more equitable community.
The Metro-PAC endorses candidates who understand and value the important role of our business community and actively seek to engage and partner with them during their terms.
If you are a candidate seeking endorsement or wish to support the Metro-PAC, please contact Erika Bjork at erika@metropac.org.
Putting in the work
Each election cycle Metro-PAC spends countless hours studying issues and interviewing candidates at the local and state level in the six-county region including the counties of El Dorado, Placer, Sacramento, Sutter, Yolo and Yuba, before endorsement and financial support.
2024 General Election Voter Guide
If you are ready to help amplify the voice of the business community in California’s Capital Region, join and contribute to the Metro-PAC.